It Is Depression. What Can I Do?

Feb 11, 2019 | LAMSA, Mental health


Reading Time:

1 minute

Every teen with depression should be monitored for suicidal thoughts or plans

If you are worried that your friend, your teen (if you are a parent) or your student (if you are a teacher) may have depression, the first step you can do is to discuss with the psychologist or counsellor at your school. He/she can provide support and counselling and suggest self-help strategies.

Teenagers pass the majority of their day time at school

However, in cases of severe symptoms and suicidal thoughts/plans, the school’s psychologist should immediately inform the parents and refer the teen to a psychiatrist.

Screening and early interventions are crucial

Once back to school, school’s psychologist as well as teachers and educators, should be a part of the recovery process, by providing emotional and learning support.

Depression is treated with medications and psychotherapy


You Can Help! Some Questions You Can Ask!

  • Have you lost interest or pleasure in things you usually like to do?

  • Have you felt low, sad, down or hopeless?

  • Are you feeling that life is not worth living?

   If one answer is yes, refer to school’s psychologist