Medical Marijuana To Cope With Stress And Anxiety? Point Of View Of A Cardiologist

by | Jan 11, 2023 | CANNABIS

Reading Time:

1 minute

By Dr. Monali Y. Desai

Cardiologist from New-York City

As more and more states legalize marijuana and medical marijuana use, a lot more people are using it to manage anxiety and stress.

From a heart standpoint, using Marijuana has been associated in case studies with an increases risk of having a heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation, and also stroke.

Currently, there’s not enough data to say these association definitely occur, just that they could

As Marijuana is being used more and more, there are more studies in progress to look at the long term side effects of using it.

You should always consult with your doctor

And if you need medical marijuana for a medical condition, the long term benefits may outweigh the long term risks. But if you’re using marijuana to take the edge off from a stressful day at work of the stresses of everyday life, like many of my younger patients do, something to consider is transitioning to an option that has less potential long term side effects like meditation, exercise, and massage therapy.

What helps you de-stress after work?

This is for educational purpose only.

LAMSA’s note: Thank you Dr Desai for your cooperation

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