
Nov 6, 2019 | Mental health, Richa Mittal

By Richa Mittal

MD, Internal Medicine from Frisco, Texas (USA)

Reading Time:

1 minute

Have you heard of a 16 seconds meditation?

  • Sit, close your eyes
  • Breathe in for 4 seconds
  • Hold for 4 seconds
  • Breathe out for seconds
  • Pause for 4 seconds

That’s it. Do a few cycles. Focus on breath. Feel yourself relax

Meditation/Deep Breathing can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, decease stress-induced cortisol levels and can help with anxiety.

When I recommend meditation to someone, it can feel like an impossible task. Start with short sessions.

All it takes is 16 seconds. Can you spare that?

LAMSA’s note: Thank you Dr Mittal for your collaboration.