How Mental Health Problems Impact Our Physical Health: The Mind-Body Connection

Feb 4, 2020 | Mental health, Nadia Sabri

By Nadia Sabri


Reading Time:

2 minutes

What Is The Link Between The Mind and The Body?

Fact 1: Mental Health impacts our physical health

  • Chronic stress affects our immune system, inflammatory response, and makes us more susceptible to illness and disease
  • Our lifestyles and environments impact our stress levels

Fact 2: Chronic/unrelenting stress takes years off of our life

  • Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma disrupts and deregulates the nervous system and stress response. This disruption results in being more on edge with an amplified stress response as the “norm”
  • Over time, stress shows up in our bodies in the form of chronic stress-related illnesses: migraines, back pain, insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, focus and concentration issues, chronic fatigue, and more. Basically, all the symptoms of modern day society.

For those of us in medicine, we have the added stress of the secondary trauma that comes with the job!

How To Reduce Stress In Your Life? A Few Tips:

  • Prioritize activities. We can’t do everything all at once. The “goal” to do it all is unrealistic and unhealthy. Don’t fall for it
  • Rest. Downtime with regular screen & social media detox is key. Rest is not a waste of time. It is necessary to have space to unwind, process, and heal
  • Sleep. Disturbed sleep/lack of sleep is linked to increased suicide risk. Sleep is vital and boosts immune system functioning
  • Stay away from drama and toxicity. Seek people and experiences that bring out the best in you, not the worst
  • Add mindfulness each day to bring awareness to yourself and the connection between mind and body. Some great options are meditation, mindful movement, body scan, mindful breathing, exercise, prayer, mindful eating, journalling, etc.
  • Lifestyle changes for wellness. This may mean diversifying interests, reducing work hours, travel, etc.

The sooner we can educate ourselves and implement stress reduction and mindfulness skills, the better is!

How do you de-stress?

LAMSA’s note: Thank you Dr Sabri for your collaboration