How To Sleep Well? Sleep Hygiene
Photo: Credit to _Maleatoire
Reading Time:
2 minutes
The below information are provided by Flora Sinha, a US board certified internist
” One of the most common concerns coming through my office: “I feel fatigued.” Some follow it by “Can you check ALL my hormones or prescribe me vitamins or something?”
Following good sleep habits can improve your physical health, mental well being, productivity, and quality of life!
As great as technology is, it interferes with your quality of sleep. It emits blue light which decreases melatonin and may make it harder to fall asleep. Furthermore, it delays and reduces the amount of type we stay in REM cycle, which will decrease our quality of sleep.
“Catching up” on sleep is a myth. Chronic sleep deprivation can’s be “payed back” with sleeping in for a few days. The accumulation is too large
Naps are great. I’d like a nap right now. But, limit them to 20-30 minutes. it won’t make up for your lack of quality sleep or hours but it may increase your mood and alertness.
Stimulants in the later afternoon/early evening time will affect your sleep
Exercise can greatly improve quality of sleep. However, intense exercise too close to bedtime COULD interfere with your sleep.
- Do I have a television in my room? Uh, yeah!
- Do I sleep by my cell phone? You bet ya!
- Do I work on the computer before bedtime? Sigh…I have a lot to work on!”
LAMSA’s note:
- ِAlcohol abuse and cannabis use disturb sleep cycle
- Sleep disturbance among teenagers in Lebanon seriously disturb their active process of learning
- 76% of teenagers are not satisfied with their sleep quality **
*Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is the portion of sleep when there are rapid eye movement. It is at this stage that dreams occur and is important for a good quality of sleep. An episode of REM is variable in time; it may last 5 minutes or over an hour; they happen 3 to 5 times per night, at intervals of 1-2 hours.