Test Your Knowledge: Take The Mental Health Quiz (1)
Reading Time:
1 minute
Quiz: answer by True or False. (Correct answers will follow)
- A hallucination is defined as a sound that comes from nowhere
- Stigma against the mentally ill is uncommon in Lebanon
- A delusion is defined as seeing something that is not real
- Lack of pleasure, hopelessness and fatigue can all be symptoms of clinical depression
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is equally common in boys and girls
- Serotonin is a liver chemical that helps control appetite
- Bipolar disorder is another name of manic depressive illness
- Mental disorders may affect between 1 in 5 and 1 in 4 Lebanese people
- Anorexia Nervosa is very common among teenage girls
- Substance abuse is commonly paired with a mental disorder
- False
- False
- False
- True
- False
- False
- True
- True
- False
- True
More explanations here.