What Are Some Health Benefits of Volunteering?
By Loulewa Al Sayed and Laila Al Akel
Edited by Jana Abi Nakhle
Reading Time:
2 minutes
Volunteering and community service can be a great way to help others and make a positive difference in your community and in the world. Learn how much it can help and how to do it.
Volunteering has many health and mental health benefits, it can:
- Improves physical and mental health
- Keeps people moving and thinking at the same time.
- Reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine.
- Gives a sense of meaning and appreciation, both given and received. This can reduce stress which further decreases the risk of physical and mental health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety and general illness.
2. Provides a sense of purpose and teaches valuable skills
- Provides a sense of purpose, especially when volunteering in areas volunteers find meaningful.
- Teaches communication and organizational skills important in everyday activities.
- Increases life satisfaction and self-esteem especially among older volunteers.
3. Nurtures new and existing relationships
- Increases social interaction and helps build friendships and a support system based on common interests and shared activities.
- Helps volunteers expand social networks and practice social skills with others.
8 tips to help you start volunteering:
- Decide why you want to volunteer and what it can offer you: new skills, company, fun, an opportunity to make a difference or contribute to a cause that you believe in.
- Know what you could offer to an organization: time, enthusiasm, life skills, work skills or passion about a cause.
- Decide how much time you can offer towards volunteering.
- Research volunteer opportunities by browsing the Internet, contacting organizations and asking your friends and family.
- Learn more about the organization of your interest, research the requirements and skills needed and the training offered.
- Decide if you are interested in and comfortable with working alone, one-on-one, or in a group setting.
- Volunteer with a friend.
- Talk to a volunteer manager at the organization you are interested in to guide you through the application process and your volunteer involvement wit