What Is An Abusive Relationship?

Mar 19, 2019 | LAMSA, Mental health


Reading Time:

1 minute

Abusive relationships occur when one partner controls the other partner with violence, intimidation, and/or threats. At the beginning of  the relationship, abuse may be discrete to become, with time, more violent, controlling and hard to tolerate.

Abuse can be emotional, physical and sexual

Both sexes can be either the actors or the victims

Emotional abuse is the use of constant criticism, insults, threats, and intimidation to isolate another person and make them afraid to leave the relationship or seek help. It includes as well limitation access to financial resources.

Physical abuse is any kind of assault with the body (e.g., punching, kicking) or with an object (e.g., gun, knife, baseball bat) intended to cause physical harm.

Sexual abuse is when your partner demands you have sex, even if you say no.

LAMSA note: Please reach out if you fit in any of these situations.