What Is Illness Anxiety Disorder?

May 23, 2020 | Mental health, Neelima Kunam

By Neelima Kunam

MD, Board Certified Psychiatrist, Redlands (California)

Reading Time:

2 minutes

As a Physician & Psychiatrist, this is one of the more difficult anxieties to help my patients overcome. That’s not to say it can’t be done, but there are often roadblocks along the way that take time to navigate around.

This anxiety can affect any person, any socioeconomic status, any intelligence level. It can debilitate some of the most successful, high-functioning people


Obsession with the idea of having a serious but undiagnosed medical condition. Worry that minor symptoms indicate something serious.


  • A person may frequently visit or switch doctors
  • It takes numerous testing, imaging & evaluations before this may come up as possible diagnosis. So delayed identification
  • There is difficulty in accepting the diagnosis
  • Patients feel abandoned or feel ignored by their doctors
  • Without a trusted close support person, it can be hard to get patients to return for follow-up visits to address the anxiety component

Some TIPS for PCPs, Family Doctors, General Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants:

  • If this is on the differential, try to get a consult to collaborate treatment rather than usual referral to Psychiatry as patients are reluctant to show up to see a Psychiatrist for fear of being labeled “It’s all in your head.”
  • Continue plausible differential of causes of the physical symptoms & supportive treatment of the symptoms
  • Discuss the body-mind connection that is evidence-based. The loop where true physical symptoms, causing severe anxiety which makes physical symptoms worse
  • Anyone with severe anxiety may need to see a psychiatrist for distress from the physical symptoms. Not just those with Illness Anxiety Disorder
  • Reiterate we are not there to convince them this is not a real condition. Goals: alleviate the effects , the distress over the condition is having on their work, life/education, home life & relationships

This is not a medical advice and is for information purposes only. Symptoms should be evaluated without delay by a personal doctor.

LAMSA’s note: Thank you Dr Kunam for your collaboration. Visit her blog [here].