What is Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction?

Dec 13, 2018 | LAMSA, Mental health


Reading Time:

1 minute

Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR) is an 8-week program medically proven to improve symptoms of anxiety and decrease stress. It consists of a daily mindfulness and meditation exercises. It has no religious or spiritual content. Usually, a one-day silent retreat is scheduled at the end of the program, during which talking, writing and even eye contact are not allowed.

The mindfulness practice is divided into two categories: the formal practice, which includes step-by-step exercises, and the informal practice, which is included in day-to-day tasks.

For the formal practice, there are many types of exercises. One could be a 45 minutes body scan practiced lying down. During this time we explore our body from head to toes, paying attention to our sensations and emotions. Another one could be a 10 to 20 minutes sitting breath-focused meditation. Lastly, one could perform a 20 minutes yoga session as a meditation practice.

On the other hand, the informal mindfulness practices require us to be aware of our body’s sensations, feelings and emotions in response to daily situations. We are encouraged to use all of our five senses at all times, whether we are showering, eating, walking…It is also recommended that we take at least one session of 5 to 10 minutes breath-focused meditation during a busy day.

During the course, there is a lot of discussions and sharing of sensations, emotions and experiences…and listening: listening is a crucial component of the program.

To become a mindful person and to be able to feel the positive impact of this discipline on your life and wellbeing, it is mandatory to practice on a daily basis; it should be your routine.

Becoming mindful is becoming aware (self-awareness) of what you are, physically and mentally, and accept yourself without any judgement.