What Is Sexual Consent?
By Zeina Moukarzel
MD-Anesthesiologist, Critical Care Physician, General Physician, Addiction Medicine
Reading Time:
1 minute
Consent is simply saying YES to a sexual activity, and getting it make a big difference in how your sexuality will mature and develop. Consent is a mandatory step for a healthy relationship. (What Is an Abusive Relationship?)
Parents are not having the appropriate conversations with kids about sex and relationships
Adolescence is a period of experimentation and exploration. Thus, it is normal that teenagers may want to know more about their body and sexuality. However, to avoid negative experiences, any sexual activity should be first based on respect and mutual consent.
Consent implies that there will be no harm either emotionally or physically
However, in some cases, obtaining a clear consent is not possible. For example, if you or your partner:
- Are under the legal age of giving consent (18 years, in Lebanon)
- Are under the effects of alcohol, cannabis or other drugs
- Have used force, intimidation, manipulation, authority, power, etc.
- Have changed mind after having say yes for a previous relation (you can change your mind and say no whenever you want)
- Have some kind of intellectual or mental disability
Staying silent is not being consenting; consent should be a clear YES
Undesired sexual relationships are traumatic and can have sustained dramatic consequences all life long.
Consent is also needed for sharing sexual photos/videos with others and/or via social media
LAMSA’s note: Don’t forget to have safe and protected sexual relationships to prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and unwanted pregnancies. STD are still very common among young adults aged between 18 and 40 years, according to the latest report of World Health Organization (WHO)