Which Diet For Depression?
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1 minute
When exposed to a chronic stress, the ability of our body to fight inflammation is disabled. Thus, systemic inflammation develops which in turn may cause depression in some people.
Cytokines* block tryptophan** conversion to serotonin***
Some nutrients and vitamins are incriminated in the development of depression:
1- Deficiency of:
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Vitamins B (biotin, folic acid, B6, B1, and B12)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D (important factor)
- Magnesium (in particular in anxious depression), potassium, zinc
- Copper, iron
To be converted to serotonin, tryptophan needs iron
2- Excess of:
- Calcium (frequently comes from supplements to prevent osteoporosis)
- Copper, iron (watch the content in your drinking water)
Some essential foods for mental health:
- Raw almonds
- Wild salmon or fatty fish
- Raw butter
- Coconut
- Sweet potatoes
- Avocado
- Cacao (chocolate)
- Oats and gluten-free grains
- Coffee/tea (green and black)
*Small proteins that are important in sending signals between cells
**Amino-acid used in the biosynthesis of proteins
***Neurotransmitter of happiness. It modulates cognition, learning, reward, memory. Low serotonin level is found in depression
Nutrition Essentials For Mental Health- A complete Guide to the Food-Mood Connection. Leslie KORN.