Why E-Mental Health?

Jun 12, 2019 | Mental health, Zeina Moukarzel

By Zeina Moukarzel

MD-Anesthesiologist, Critical Care Physician, General Physician, Addiction Medicine

Reading Time:

1 minute

The term e-Mental Health is used when mental health information, screening, support, care and treatment are delivered using technologies and internet.

E-Mental Health is effective and can be complementary to traditional face-to-face mental health support

As defined by World Health Organization (WHO), e-health is defined as “the use of information and communications technology in support of health and health-related fields.” Under the broad umbrella of digital health, we find:

  • e-health. A subset of it is mobile health, m-health, defined as: “the use of mobile wireless technologies for health.”
  • emerging areas: use of advanced computing sciences in ‘big data’, genomics and artificial intelligence.

Digital health has the advantages to improve health and to reach people in remote areas (reduce health inequalities), thus contributing to advancing universal health coverage and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3)

Some examples of e-mental health*:

  • Instant messaging and video-based counselling services (telehealth/telepsychiatry)
  • Consumer information portals
  • Online support groups, forums, social networks
  • Mobile phone applications
  • Online assessments or diagnosis tools
  • Blogs and podcasts
  • Therapeutic gaming programs, robotic simulation, virtual reality systems

Although e-Mental Health can play an important role in promoting well-being and mental health as well as for patient seeking help, it has its barriers and its implementation is not a one-time event, but a continuous process needing continuing evaluation and actions.

LAMSA has turned digital since a year by providing reliable evidence-based information through social media platforms and its blog. Recently, a Facebook quit smoking support group for youth (18-24) has been created. In the second phase, in process, online support services will be provided to young adults (18-34) in the areas of mental health, addiction and suicide. Stay tuned!