You Might Be In A Relationship With A Narcissist
By Melissa Shepard
MD, Psychiatrist
Reading Time:
2 minutes
Narcissists (or people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder) are people who have inflated sense of self-importance and are unable to empathize with others
By that description, it’s pretty obvious that you would not want to be in a relationship with a narcissist. But unfortunately, narcissists are quite good at hiding their narcissism and can be incredibly charming and deceptive.
And then if you do start to notice their shortcomings, they are skilled at being able to turn it on you and make you feel as though you are crazy or totally off-base.
Here are some signs that you might be in a relationship with a narcissist:
- They showered you with affection, gifts, and attention early in the relationship (love-bombing)
- They always bring the conversation back to themselves
- If you try to end the relationship they initially try very hard to win you back (hoovering), but eventually they try to punish you for leaving
- They flatter you when they want something
- They put you down in front of others
- They exaggerate their accomplishments and even outright lie about them
- They seek praise and become pouty or critical when it isn’t readily given
One or two of these signs in isolation isn’t particularly meaningful. But if you notice multiple signs consistently and over a prolonged period of time, that is the problem
- They seem disinterested when you talk about your feelings
- They never admit fault and see arguments and disagreements more as an opportunity to enforce their point of view
- They make you believe that you get upset with them (gaslighting)
- They are charming at a superficial level and strangers/acquaintances are often smitten with them
- This eventually fades and as a result they lack long-term or deeply meaningful relationships and often have little contact with family
Note that a relationship with a narcissist in ANY capacity may be marked by these features.
It is not just limited to romantic relationships!
Relationships with parents, friends, siblings, coworkers, and children can also be profoundly impacted when one member is a narcissist.
If you notice these signs in any of your relationships, ask for help!