by | Jan 26, 2023 | Jana Abi Nakhle, Mental health
Sleep Disorders By Jana Abi Nakhle Reading Time: 1 minute Le sommeil est inévitablement essentiel pour la croissance des enfants mais il est tout aussi inestimable chez les adultes pour une santé physique et mentale optimale. Il fait partie des besoins...
by | Jan 26, 2023 | Mental health, Mona Abi-Sleiman
Drugs Use and Suicide By Mona Abi-Sleiman Edited by: Jana Abi Nakhle Reading Time: 1 minute It is common for people to use drugs in order to feel good, to feel better, to perform better, or simply out of curiosity. When people consume drugs for the first...
by | Jan 11, 2023 | CANNABIS
Medical Marijuana To Cope With Stress And Anxiety? Point Of View Of A Cardiologist Reading Time: 1 minute By Dr. Monali Y. Desai Cardiologist from New-York City As more and more states legalize marijuana and medical marijuana use, a lot more people are using it to...
by | Jan 11, 2023 | CANNABIS
Marijuana Reading Time: 1 minute By Hafiza Khan MD|Cardiologist There seems to be a feeling that because marijuana is legal in certain states, that it is benign. I have posted previously that Marijuana can cause potentially lethal heart rhythm problems in...
by | Jan 11, 2023 | CANNABIS
Cannabis Use Disorder Or Cannabis Addiction Reading Time: 5 minutes The cannabis plant (Sativa/Indica) contains around 400 chemicals, among them two main active ingredients: THC (delta-9-TetraHydroCannabinol), a mind-altering substance which produces the...